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Máster de Formación Permanente

Personal Excellence & Self-Leadership

Título Propio de Florida Universitària

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Entidad colaboradora
Título Propio
Florida Universitària


What are the keys to a successful career? Is to be happy your ultimate goal in life? What are the things that you would like to learn but they don’t teach at traditional schools or universities?

To answer these questions, we have designed a unique learning experience to take students successfully into their next career steps. A holistic bilingual program to learn the keys to become happier and smarter, acquiring the necessarytools to thrive in their personal and professional life.

We will help you understand your strengths – and maybe even uncover ones you didn’t know you had – and work with you to define your career goals and what you’ll need to achieve them. We’ll show you how to become an impact player and clarify what brings a sense of purpose to your career – then ensure that all of those things are in alignment with your future path. ​

Why choose us?

Our faculty is made up of professionals with diverse profiles and from different professional sectors, all of them with extensive experience in their respective fields.

We know that guiding you on the path to your best self is more than just teaching you knowledge. That is why we will help you form a clear picture of who you are, what you want and what matters to you, then help set you on the path that best suits your aims and aspirations.

Studies show that transversal skills – communication, teamwork, problem solving, learning, and planning and organizational skills – are ranked as essential by employers, and have a high transferability across different jobs and sectors. Research conducted in 121 companies worldwide (Daniel Goleman, Working with Emotional Intelligence) shows that  the emotional competences that impact the performance at work double the technique and cognitive competences.

By the end of the program you will:

  • Become more emotionally intelligent. Be aware of your emotions and have tools to master them while developing relationships and leadership skills
  • Be persuasive, popular, and influential. Become an effective public speaker and a lovely talker
  • Be implementing positive psychology tools that improve your wellbeing and performance
  • Become a fast reader, good memorizer, and a better learner.
  • Understand entrepreneurship dynamics and financial and real estate markets. You will be able to prepare a personal financial plan
  • Become a great negotiator. Learn to present arguments, bargain, and find out how to close the best deals
  • Know how to apply creative thinking in different fields such as business, arts or social fields, and problem-solving situations
  • Have developed a critical thinking style and be able to discuss philosophical issues
  • Have learnt to cook nutritious and delicious foods. Identify which essential nutrients your body needs to be healthy
  • Love physical activity and be prepared to set your own daily exercise routines
  • Eventually become more engaging and charismatic. You will not only be fitter, but you will be able to graciously dance, cook or act; and talk about an astonishing variety of subjects

Learn more and contact about this Master program:

Florida Universitària with Canvee Life School

At Florida Universitària we have been training professionals for over 40 years. We are committed to the business network of the Valencian Community (Valencia region), designing practical training and professional development programmes that provide solutions to both individuals and companies.

Our methodology is framed in a dynamic and interactive learning environment based on practice, always in permanent connection with the business reality. We train with and for companies in every sector and therefore, we offer training programmes that prepare professionals capable of facing the current challenges of our society.

With this objective in mind, Florida Universitària, together with Canvee Life School, offers the Máster de Formación Permanente in Personal Excellence & Self-Leadership.

Normativa Postgrados Florida Universitària

Florida Universitària desarrolla programas de formación permanente según el RD 822/2021. Dicha formación se plasma en una variada oferta de títulos propios de Estudios Superiores.