Atención al Futuro  Estudiante 96 115 23 32  /  667 50 46 62

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Recepción Universitaria 96 122 03 80

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Summer Universities

Muchas universidades organizan cursos de verano durante el periodo estival dirigidos a estudiantes internacionales. Estos cursos pueden ser una oportunidad interesante para realizar una experiencia internacional. Es una gran oportunidad para mejorar las habilidades del idioma inglés a la vez que mejoras tus conocimientos y habilidades profesionales y conoces diferentes culturas.

En este espacio podrás encontrar información sobre cursos de verano que se llevan a cabo en universidades de otros países y que podrían resultar interesantes para ti. La oferta es muy extensa, y de ti depende elegir a cuál te gustaría ir.

VIKO Summer Schools

Vilnius University of Applied Sciences (VIKO) is inviting international students to spend part of their summer in Lithuania – small, green and beautiful country in the Northern Europe – and the biggest and highest ranked University of Applied Sciences in Lithuania – VIKO. The programme includes bachelor level courses with our professional lecturers, who are practitioners in their own fields; also networking, study trips and variety of social programmes.

EDHEC Business School

Summer Programme The Luxury Business.

EDHEC Business School offers Summer Programmes based on its Nice Campus allowing participants to gain substantial learnings whilst enjoying the beauty of the French Riviera.

The luxury industry is a major aspect of the French economy. The course will provide students with a cultural, historical and economic overview of the industry and will introduce them to the specificities of a luxury strategy, with a focus on the customer experience in stores.

Target group: Graduate students from a partner university as well as free movers who comply with the minimum requirements.


University of TURKU

Turku Åbo Summer School

Affordable and high-quality summer studies by five universities in August 2023.

Turku Åbo Summer School offers you the best of five Turku area universities and universities of applied sciences. Exprience top education, make friends from all over the world and spend the summer of your life in the oldest study city in Finland!

Turku Åbo Summer School is organized in August 2023. The orientation day is held on 4 August and the contact teaching period for the on-site courses is 7-18 August.

Heriot Watt University

An exciting Summer opportunity that is open to all students to apply to, at our Heriot-Watt Malaysia campus!

Nuestros programas brindan la oportunidad perfecta para que te sumerjas por completo en la rica y diversa cultura de Malasia mientras avanzas en tu aprendizaje. Con una variedad de actividades, que incluyen talleres culturales, lecciones de historia y visitas a importantes sitios culturales e históricos, obtendrá una comprensión y apreciación más profundas de las costumbres, tradiciones y forma de vida de Malasia.

Al participar en nuestros programas, también tendrá la oportunidad de interactuar con otros estudiantes de todo el mundo, fomentando la comprensión y la conciencia intercultural. No se pierda esta inolvidable experiencia de inmersión cultural: ¡inscríbase hoy mismo en nuestro programa de verano en Malasia!

Jade University of Applied Sciences

The best way to learn German is in Germany. That is why Jade University of Applied Sciences is offering the “Seaside Summer Course in German” in the 26th consecutive year at the campus in Wilhelmshaven from July 29th to August 23rdth 2024.

Participants live in Wilhelmshaven for a 4-week period in which they improve their language skills in small groups overseen by qualified teachers. Each participant receives a certificate at the end of the course.

Five hours of lessons take place in small groups each morning. The afternoons are used to put theory into practice. Placement tests are first conducted in order to find the right course for each participant. It is our goal to train the participants’ communicative skills: everyday conversations are practiced to train pronunciation, improve listening skills and use correct grammar. Various cultural topics are worked out in projects or in presentations.

A video about the German Summer Course you can find on YouTube under the following link

IMPORTANTE: Florida se limita a dar difusión a los cursos a través de este espacio, no teniendo más información que la publicada aquí. Si deseas más información sobre alguno de los cursos aquí publicados o quieres inscribirte y participar en él, debes ponerte en contacto directamente con la universidad organizadora del curso.